Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spring, Spring!

It's FINALLY spring!!! I'm so happy the cold winter is over. I was getting so tired of walking to school everyday in 50 layers of clothing and getting pelted with snow/freezing rain. I know it has been a long time since i wrote on here but internet is scarce at AMDA and i don't have room to bring my laptop to school with me. A lot has happened since my last post and im really excited to share it with you all!

The first day of spring was so beautiful here that all of NYC was in central park. It was almost impossible to find a place to sit let alone try and toss a disc :). The B2's had a wonderful picnic and i enjoyed taking some pictures. I can't wait to have a chance to go back again. Working at the library has been so much fun! i have met some awesome people and have made some pretty good money!

Since i started AMDA i had always planned on going straight through the summer and just getting it done, but as of 2 weeks ago i have changed my mind. I realized that there was something i needed to do before starting my career. I wanted to march in Drum Corps. I have grown up with it and it has been such a huge part of my life. I wanted the chance to take part in it myself and i knew that once i graduated i wouldn't have the time/money to take a summer off and participate. So next weekend im going to an audition camp. I'm looking forward to being a part of something bigger than just me. Plus, i'm getting tired of some of the people here at AMDA. I need a chance to separate myself from theater people for awhile. haha. And i want to go into 3rd semester with a clear head and a rested body. I will fill you in on some details after next weekend is over. Go Jersey Surf!

I am really enjoying second semester. The material is fun and i find myself working a lot harder to take my work to another level. I had my musical theater midterm on thursday and it went extremely well! I really just had fun with it and as a result i had the best performance so far! I really proud of myself for just letting go and finally giving a good demo. I am LOVING my acting class this semester. I finally just decided to not really care about what i looked like or how my class thought i was doing and just connected to the material. Of course i am still battling it, but im improving and becoming more confident in myself.

I had mentioned before that i joined composition elective and was in the process of writing a song. Well, the song is finished now and it is titled Where to Begin? I'm really proud of it and i cant wait to perform it in the showcase. I has to do with my struggle dealing with my friend Abby's death and how she has changed the way i view and carry out my life. It took me awhile to be able to get through it without crying but it was worth it. I owe it all to her. I am also working with another person on another song and will be performing in 2 other songs as well. PHEW!

Well that's it for now i guess. I told you a lot has been going on! I'm exhausted but it feels good to be busy and its very rewarding. I hope you all are enjoying the wonderful spring weather. Go Phillies!

1 comment:

  1. Kristin - I am really proud of what you have been accomplishing. I can imagine writing the song about your friend Abby must have been a challenge. Keep up the great work and keep the inspirations flowing! I cant wait to hear your performances! Keep the posts coming too! xo
